Final Vows at Loyola Campus

May 22, 2021
Final Vows at Christ the King Church, Loyola Campus, Chennai
April 10, 2021 was a joyous day for our Mother Society as six of her sons made their final profession. Fr Ilanko, Socius, welcomed the gathering and highlighted the importance of the Final Vows in the Society. The Eucharist with the theme “,NaRtpd; topapy; ,iwahl;rpg; gzpapy;” was presided over by Fr Jebamalai Irudayaraj, the Provincial, and was concelebrated by the vowents (Frs Antony Robinson J., (Berchmans Illam), Arokia Dass J., Baskar Antony S., Sahayaraj John Stanley., (MDU) (Arul Kadal), Maria Packiam S., and Victor Roch G., (Loyola Community). Barring a few invited guests, the congregation mainly comprised of Jesuits numbering about 100. Fr Baskar Antony S., in his homily, referred to the Jesuit history of New Madura Mission and the need of continuing to hold the people in our heart and remain grateful to God. The vowents offered things signifying the Province Apostolic Preferences and the quality of life the Jesuits should have for the mission. The vows they pronounced reminded us to lead our consecrated life committedly. At the end of the mass, the traditional “Take and Receive” was sung by all with enthusiasm. The melodious choir headed by Fr Wenishraj Rayappan put us in a prayerful mood. On behalf of the Vowents, Fr Sahayaraj John Stanley thanked the gathering. The dinner arranged by Fr. Samuel Jeyaseelan, Director of Loyola hostel, was sumptuous and Loyola and Berchmans community deserve to be appreciated for making all the necessary arrangements under the able cooperation of Fr Sahayaraj Vijayan.
Sch. Zenith SJ