Ordination – 2022

August 31, 2022
On 27 Aug 2022, reverence and joy filled the St. Joseph’s College Campus, Tiruchi as hundreds of people arrived for the ordination of our ten deacons (5 MDU, 4 CEN & 1 JAM) post Covid-19 outbreak. It was a memorable day for them as they surrendered themselves to the Lord for priestly service resonating with the motto – To Immerse in Christ and Bear Fruit. The solemn procession began at 5.30 pm from the portico of the Jesuit Residence towards the historical Our Lady of Lourdes Church (as the venue in front of the residence was shifted due to inclement weather). The parents of the deacons accompanied them and offered them to Most Rev. Bishop Arockiyaraj Savarimuthu of Tiruchi Diocese, the Ordaining Prelate. The Bishop in his homily urged the ordinandi to detach themselves from the worldly attachments and to be united with Christ imbibing the values of Jesus for the mission. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the Bishop Arokiaraj Savarimuthu released two books titled யோவான் முன்னிறுத்தும் இயேசு penned by the newly ordained priests and edited by Fr. Raj Irudaya, and சரிவிலொரு சகாப்தம் by Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj. The first copy of each book was received by Fr. Jerome Cutinha, Provincial of Jamshedpur and Sr. Rajamani FSAG, Mother General of Gonzaga Sisters, respectively.
In the morning, he received the ordinandi at the Bishop’s house and shared his priestly experiences and expectations. He exhorted about the right attitude and attributes of a good priest by elucidating the meaning of the ‘prayer for the consecration to priesthood’. We are grateful to Bishop Arokiaraj Savarimuthu of Tiruchi diocese, Fr. Danis Ponniah, Provincial (MDU), Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, Provincial (CEN), Fr. Jerome Cutinha, Provincial (JAM), Fr. Stephen L. Pragasam, PCF (MDU), Fr. Antony Robinson, PCF (CEN), Fr. Leonard Fernando, Rector, St. Joseph’s College and all the members of St. Joseph’s community, Fr. Marivalan, Parish Priest and Fr. Vedha Stalin for their meticulous planning and its execution. Fr. Dhanaraj Raphael (MDU) prepared us for our ordination with a retreat, from 16 to 24 Aug 2022 at Beschi Illam, Dindigul. While we thank Fr. Dhanaraj for his insightful retreat, we thank Fr. Michael Doss, Superior Beschi Illam and the community for their hospitality. The presence and participation of a good number of priests, religious, friends, relatives and Jesuits brought forth the showers of blessings upon the newly ordained priests.
Jeyaseelan & Zenith Lawrance