Scholastics Meet

June 15, 2022
Scholastics Meet at Dhyana Ashram
We, the CEN Scholastics, have been revitalized and rejuvenated with the sense of companionship with one another in the offline first summer meet held at Dhyana Ashram on 1 & 2 May. Frs. Parthasarathi (Coordinator), Victor Roch and Vasanthakumar organized the program together with an extended committee of Scholastics. Fr. Parthasarathi, welcomed the gathering in the Inigo Block and we had a procession towards Our Lady of the Sea and offered a floral tribute to our mother Mary followed by the Eucharist. Fr. Yesumarian, the Procurator-Elect, was the chief celebrant and Fr. Darwin Michael, the local Superior and Fr. Antony Robinson, the PCF concelebrated. Fr. Darwin Michael, in the Mass introduction, elaborated on the rich and profound heritage of the house which it carries over for a few centuries. Fr. Yesumarian, in his homily, broadened the idea of seeing all things NEW in Christ – to see the landscape of the province, the wounded people, the institutions/ communities, our caste, etc. He emphasized that the creation of this province is for the wounded people, and therefore, we should love them, breathe their air and walk with them. At the end of the Mass, Fr. Vasanthakumar, introduced the theme – CENTHALIR and briefed the dynamics of the meet. At the introductory session Sch. Zenith Lawrance and team creatively welcomed the Juniors with visual presentation. In view of presenting the theme – CENTHALIR in different forms, Sch. Joseph and Team presented a video with insights and Schs. David Francis, Arokia Sundar and Vivekraj a video theme song – கிறிஸ்துவில் புதிதாய் காண புறப்படுவோம் தோழா. Fr. Sebastian Crossian’s talk on ‘The Letters of St. Ignatius’ covered a wide range of Ignatian topics, such as: holy obedience to the Superior who represents Christ himself, making representations democratically, being open to the spiritual father, bringing glory to God through the service to the least, speaking what is profitable to the soul while in a dialogue, thinking with the Church, postponement as the angel of light, study as mission, devoting themselves in holy desires and prayers, the code of conduct for those in the deliberations, free confrontations etc. Fr. Arokia Dass, Arul Kadal, spoke on ‘Inspirations from Fr. Arrupe, Fr. Kolvenbach and Pope Francis’. He expounded on how the Church as well as the Society of Jesus started breathing fresh air in all the aspects of mission after Vatican II. GCs 31 & 32 came out with the historic dictum ‘Faith that does Justice’ that became a guiding star for the whole Society. Fr. Kolvenbach’s book, The Formation of Jesuits, on different stages of formation of the Scholastics was a significant contribution as it invites us to integrate the Spiritual – Apostolic – Intellectual and Community aspects of life. He also highlighted the talk of Pope Francis to the religious in which he appealed to them to be joyful in their consecrated life. That night, the recreational session ‘கூடுவோம் கொண்டாடுவோம்’ was filled with fun and frolic. On 2 May, the session began with a short prayer on ‘மாற்றாளியாய் முளைத்தெழுவோம்’ by PG scholastics. Fr. Philip Kumar offered an interactive session on ‘Formation in Mission’. He prophetically emphasized cultivating Jesuitness in our daily events in terms of being Christcentric, available for a frontier mission, daring to dream big for oneself and for the Province, being convinced of owning the province etc. After the mesmerizing talk, Fr. Arockia Selvam led the group into spiritual conversation by posing relevant queries. The outcome of the conversation will be followed up by the PCF. At the final session, observing the proceedings, Fr. PCF encouraged us to take up several tasks shared with us his concerns for our betterment. Fr. Provincial triggered us by sharing inspiring anecdotes and experiences. Fr. Socius sensitized our call to be more proactive in the digital media. Fr. Marianathan C., the Consult member, shared about the following three perspectives such as Communism, Periyarism & Ambedkarism. The meet was concluded with the Holy Eucharist by Fr. Jebamalai and concelebrated by Fr. Marianathan and Fr. Antony Robinson. Sch. David Francis shared during the Mass the take-aways from the meet. Fr. PCF thanked everyone for making it a memorable event.
Theophine Michael