Colloquim for Major Superiors

December 11, 2021
We, the thirteen new Major Superiors appointed since 2019 (South Asia 4: AND, CEN, JAM and RAN; Europe 4: ELC, EOF, PME and SVN; Africa 2: ACE and RWB and others from COL and UEA Provinces, and TAI Region) participated in the Colloquium. The entire programme was systematically planned and coordinated by Fr. Joe Magadia, the Regional Assistant of Asia Pacific Conference.
It was a tight programme. I really enjoyed knowingmore about the Society from the universal perspective and learning to appreciate the wonderful administrative system of the Society of Jesus. The very purpose of the meeting was to acquire concrete knowledge about the commitments and responsibilities of the Major Superiors, regarding cura personalis, cura apostolica. In depth, community and apostolic life from the legal, legislative, financial and organizational viewpoints, formation of today, the UAP and its implementations, creating a culture of safeguarding and the creative use of modern communication for mission were dealt with. In this year of Ignatius 500, all these learnings should lead us towards a change, move from good to better and to see our life-mission new in Christ.
The personal sharings among the Major Superiors really enriched me with the practical knowledge and clarity on the administrative systems of the Society of Jesus. It was a time to know better understanding the functioning of the General Curia, with its many offices and secretariats, the International Roman Houses and the Archives of General Curia.
Above all, it was a time to be with Father General and to develop a more personal understanding and relationship with him and also with the other officials of the Society of Jesus.
Jebamalai Irudayaraj